"When will my child lose a tooth?"
I get asked this question on a weekly basis. This cutie pie is my oldest daughter. She lost her first tooth at five and a half in the carpool drop-off line. She was so excited to show her friends and brag about how brave she was when Mommy pulled it. Every tooth my child loses is a reminder that she is growing up. I cherish these moments because the days are long, but the years are short!
When it comes to losing teeth, our bodies have a pattern that it follows. Losing teeth happens in two stages.
The front eight teeth - called incisors - are lost between ages 6-8 followed by an eerie lull lasting a year or so. Suddenly, the back teeth start popping out like popcorn! The twelve baby teeth in the back - the cuspids and molars - are typically all gone by the time a child turns 14.
As with anything, not everyone follows the same pattern and there is likely nothing to be concerned about if your child loses teeth early or is a little late. Click here for the AAPD's Dental Growth and Development Chart. If you have a baby, and you are awaiting their first tooth, check out my blog post on when baby teeth come in. Whether you are wondering when your child will lose a tooth or when your child will get a tooth in, I have resources for you!